The Jahan Cruise

The Jahan Cruise

Siem Reap – Phnom Penh  (or vice versa), 5 Days – 4 Nights

The best of rural Cambodia is offered with this cruise program. See the unseen, discover ancient per-Angkorian temples, relish the cordial smiles of the inhabitants of this region and feel emerges with the water landscape of the Tonle River. The Tonle is magical River and one important lifeline of the Mighty Mekong during the low water period.

Jayavarman: Serenity Cruise

Visiting Cities: Phnom Penh - Kampong Cham (Mekong) - Kampong Chhnang (Tonle) - Tonle Lake - Siem Reap    

Phone: +84 982 661 133

Number of Cabins: 27 rooms

Checkin time: 14:00

Checkout time: 12:00

Room rates: $ 600 - $ 2300

Contact us for best price offer

The Jahan Cruise

4.7518248175182 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.75 (274 Votes)

Price from: $ 600 - Book now!

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Life on board
Life on the Jayavarman is one luxurious experience after another. Allow us to paint – in your mind’s eye – the picture of romance, majesty and mystery that becomes you when you board the Jayavarman.
You step out on to your private balcony, sipping your cocktail made with fruit from the land that envelops you. The sun sets gently and the charming countryside becomes a silhouette shining on the river. You soon realize that you’ve never been in a place so peaceful and so serene, occasionally punctuated by a child’s raucous laughter ringing from a nearby village.
Darkness descends, signaling the time for a traditional feast. Food from the region is served by waiters who, by now, have become your friends. They are a tad shy yet they are proud to put on display their traditional attire and share their culture with you.
After a night’s sleep, the soft rays of the sun warm your face. Thai Chi lessons await you on the upper Sundeck, ready to connect you to the energy that is so plentiful in this cultured and spiritual place.
At every corner, every river bend aboard this luxurious and majestic ship, new sights and new experiences are ready and waiting to be found.

French-Colonial with Khmer artifacts
27 cabins (three categories)
Indochine Dining Hall
Club 1930 Funnel Bar & Lounge
Henry Mouhot Lobby Lounge with Boutique Shop
Apsara Spa
Sundeck with Jacuzzi

Technical figures
Built 2009
Length / Width / Height 57,8 m / 11,1 m / 10 m
Beam / Draft 11 m / 1,6 m
Gross tonnage 998 tons
Cruising speed 10 nautical knots
Electricity 220v
Capacity / Cabins 54 passengers / 27 cabins (three categories)

Water Reverse osmosis and UV water treatment plant, sewage treatment plant.

Safety Radio Comm., Radar, GPS, PA system, life jackets, life rafts, fire hydrants, flares and signals, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors in each cabin, CO2 engine room fire fighting system.








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